draelynn wrote:
flu vaccines weee the only ones left with Thimerisol in them and even those have been fazed out because of the uproar. Standard vaccinesh aven't had mercury in them for years. So, now they are trying to zero in on aluminum.
If we are going to demonize vaccines for a few of their contents perhaps that bias should crossover to ALL things that contain those suspected ingredients. fish does indeed have mercury and that is wehy it is recommended by the CDC that pregnant women not eat tunafish, which has some of the highest concentrastions. Dental amalgm can be up to 40% mercury and is treated as toxin waste when fillings are removed from someones mouth. Aluminum is in baby formula for gods sake.
Less than 1% of the population has a vaccine reaction of any sort as a general rule. 'Vaccine induced' autistic children are usually never screened for the positively identified possible side effects of vaccines included enchephaly and auto immune reactions - both of which can cause autism like symptoms as they damage the brain. If kids are being hurt by vaccines, it's much more likely that they are suffering a known side effect reaction rather than a developmental disorder.
Last I checked there were still Thimerosal hanging around, but that was a couple of years ago. In fact, health care practitioners offered the public a choice between Thimerosal containing vaccines and vaccines without it and, surprise, the vaccines without it ran out way before the ones containing it did so there was nothing but the ones containing it left. Then there wasn't a choice. The consumer, by and large does not want the Thimerasol containing vaccine, for whatever reason, and they shouldn't have to be injected with it just to be protected from the flu.
The aluminum is thought to exaggerate the effects of the mercury exposure, not cause a similar outcome without the mercury.
Another thing, how do I know for sure there is no Thimerosal or something similar in the vaccine? There are so many loopholes, drug manufactures might be able to sneak it in if it is under a certain amount without telling anyone or listing it, if it is proprietary. It might not even have to be under a certain amount. Who can deny industry isn't greedy, just wanting to get the most money it can make? If pretending a vaccine is lacking a certain ingredient is necessary to make more money, who is stopping them from doing it?