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23 Aug 2006, 1:19 am


I am sick and tired of people looking down on me all the time. I try to help people
(even my own parents) They still sh.. on me I hate myself, I want to be an NT. But no!
:x I feel like the worlds biggest loser. God hates me Wants me to suffer Wants me to cop
all of lifes bull ...t I am last priority to everyone. I hate NTs hate them hate them. Oh well i guess i am typing my own eulogy.

end rant.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Aug 2006, 3:13 am

Not all NTs are as bad as you think. Some are worse, but lots are great.

Its true that they can sh** on you sometimes. Thats because they often sh** on people regardless of who they are or how good / bad they are.
Lots of NTs feel that they get sh** on as much as you do. This often includes the people who du the sh**ing

If they look down at you, just remember, its their own ignorance that makes them do it. They don't have the ability to see how great you are. Their loss.

Do you really want to be NT? I don't think you would like it. At the moment you are neuro-special, who wants to be typical?


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23 Aug 2006, 3:29 am

thanks buddy you made me feel a bit better! are you an aspie?


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23 Aug 2006, 4:02 am

Hi bjmax, I am sorry you're having such a hard time.

I know what you mean about NTs. Rationally I know that most people are good people, but they really don't *get* me, and think I'm wierd.

I think a lot of NTs have a hard time as well. They are driven to fit in, even if that means denying their true selves. That can only lead to unhappiness.

You can appreciate yourself for the way you are. Being an aspie does not make you inferior, it just means you think differently, and experience the world differently. If people look down their nose at you, it's because they can't understand that different is OK. People who do that are the ones with the problem, not you.


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23 Aug 2006, 11:15 am

i hate it when people call normal people NTs. just stop it already. now back to the topic, i've finally relised bro that i don't care about anyone anymore. i don't care what government thinks what family thinks what anyone else thinks. im living my life for me, and i don't care whats inbetween the lines. the faster i die or our planet blows up the better. 8)


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23 Aug 2006, 11:44 am

I think a lot of us have days when we feel that way. Not all of them are so bad, but I think it must be a myth that we are the ones who are tactless. I don't think most humans can go long without hurting someone. I think it's human nature.


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23 Aug 2006, 12:26 pm

bjmax31 wrote:

I am sick and tired of people looking down on me all the time. I try to help people
(even my own parents) They still sh.. on me I hate myself, I want to be an NT. But no!
:x I feel like the worlds biggest loser. God hates me Wants me to suffer Wants me to cop
all of lifes bull ...t I am last priority to everyone. I hate NTs hate them hate them. Oh well i guess i am typing my own eulogy.

end rant.

I think that aspies have an extraordinary potential to change society for the better because we often exist outside the NT loop where NT people feed off of each other. The challenge is for us to find a way to fulfill our potential as aspie people because we have a lot to contribute once we find our way. I think we struggle to fulfill our potential when our unique talents and abilities don't fit the NT slots. The question is, are you up for the challenge? I think it takes extraordinary courage and resilience to meet the challenge of being an aspie. I'm hanging in there and I won't ever give up. I hope you do the same.


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23 Aug 2006, 1:31 pm

I agree with anandamide.
Don't run their race. Run your own.
Don't follow their rules, make up your own.
Do not let the barking of the jackals disturb the slumber of the dragon.
Figure out a way to use your potential. What seems to be a handicap may be a gift


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23 Aug 2006, 1:51 pm

bjmax31 wrote:

I am sick and tired of people looking down on me all the time.

I sometimes feel like that as well. I'll add a rant while I'm here:


Nts look down on me, immediately judge me by first impressions (usually the words Geek or the opposite ret*d are thrown at me) and treat me like a child. With some so called friends I can chat to and have a laugh in the classroom with them, but outside in the playground and outside school, no! They are not interested in me outside the classroom and by their body language as I approach them in the playground they're thinking "oh no, not him again, lets runaway." It's no lie, it's the truth, the truth.

(end rant)


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23 Aug 2006, 3:23 pm

I get patronized sometimes by people who want to "help" me... my counselor, for example, treats me as though I can't think for myself--despite that I probably have a higher IQ than hers.

Some people really do want to help; but usually they underestimate my abilities... they wonder if I'm capable of going shopping, of enduring the crowd the fills a church lobby after the service, of understanding emotion...

I think maybe they hear "AS is a mild form of autism" and think of the stereotype of autism as someone who can tell you what day of the week your birthday is on, but can't dress themselves and spend all their time rocking and spinning things.

Those with mental illnesses or social disabilities are the one group of people against whom prejudice is still socially acceptable.

Reports from a Resident Alien:

Autism Memorial:


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23 Aug 2006, 7:21 pm

don't let the bastards grind you down :wink:


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23 Aug 2006, 8:30 pm

Hey, bjmax, I'm sorry that you're having a hard time. I think everybody feels like that sometimes, and anyone who's even just slightly different has a worse time of it. I agree though that NTs can be extremely patronising and ignorant. But what I would also say is that I've been treated just as badly by a couple of Aspies in other ways. So it's the 'human condition' I'm afraid. Sending you virtual hugs! And kudos to all those lovely NT people who make up for the nasty ones.

anandamide - I totally agree that AS people have so much to offer and it's entirely society's loss if they can't see and welcome our contributions. Callista's right, it does seem like looking down on neurologically and psychologically different people is the last acceptable form of discrimination. It's a sort of blind, red mist that comes over NTs I think, a herd mentality thing that overwhelms them: they can't tolerate difference and they have to exclude those they perceive as weaker. In fact, I got so hacked off with the NHS being so discriminatory that I wrote to the Health Commission people about it. Rant.

But I'm so glad you folks are here! An island of sanity and welcome in a largely indifferent world.

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24 Aug 2006, 12:28 am

bjmax, I know exactly how you feel. I've had to deal with a lot of NT's giving me hell for something that they don't even comprehend nor do I have any control over...but I have found a way to deal with these people; and I agree with pretty much everything that has been said in this topic.

The ultimate spite against these people: Work hard and become more successful than they will ever hope to become.

"...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."~Declaration of Indepencence

Sea Gull
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24 Aug 2006, 2:31 am

What age are you? If you're in 13-16, I can almost guarantee that your problem will get better, or even dissapear. At that age many people are prone to depression and/or being as*holes. Once you're older you'll mellow out, and there'll be less jerks around you.

My life at 18 simply cannot be compared to my life at 14. That's the same for countless people.

Sea Gull
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24 Aug 2006, 3:06 am

ion wrote:
I agree with anandamide.
Don't run their race. Run your own.
Don't follow their rules, make up your own.
Do not let the barking of the jackals disturb the slumber of the dragon.
Figure out a way to use your potential. What seems to be a handicap may be a gift

Well said!


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24 Aug 2006, 11:07 am

I agree that we are often discriminated against because of our differences. Sometimes I go and re-read a few essays I have by James Baldwin, just to remind myself how other individuals and groups of people have dealt with or overcome the discrimination of being outside the dominant culture.

The only times that I really despise myself are when I lose control of myself in response to acts of discrimination. I have at times become hostile or bitter in my verbal responses when I feel myself to be discriminated against. I'm trying to learn how to present my anger in a more dignified way. I might be wrong, but I think if you can hold your head up and act with dignity and self respect in the face of ignorance and discrimination, then you'll win everytime.