Hi all! Just wondering if there is any link between ASD's and learning disorders. Last year I was diagnosed with severe ADD and, in a few weeks, I am going in to be tested for Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and Dyscalculia. Dypraxia is a visual processing disorder and Dyscalculia is a math disorder. Basically, even though I am a college student, I still struggle with basic 5th grade math and I have a penchant for running into things, even if there is 6 feet of empty space to get by. I have a hard time judging things without actually being able to count them, and I still count on my fingers. I also cannot read a map. These are just a few symptoms that I encounter almost daily (except for that whole "map reading" thing).
Anyway, just wondering if there is a link between Autism and learning disorders. Does anybody else have any? Sometimes I feel like the only Aspie who can't do math:(