There's a television programme here in Australia (name escapes me at the moment), that is a kind of Toastmasters competition. Basically, three contestants give a rehearsed speech of their subject of choice. A panel of judges critic their efforts and give advice. Then they are each given a topic which they must do an impromptu speech on.
Anyhoo, I was listening to one guy, and he shared his method for rehearsing and dealing with the distraction of the audience. He has a recorded sound disc which he plays on a personal cd player plugged to his ears.
Think about that. He has to learn to perform, to talk, activity of choice, with loud talking going on in his ears.
I've been thinking. A lot of us, myself included have issues with confusion when multiple stimuli come down on me all at once. Kind of like signal jamming. But I'm starting to wonder if his technique might be useful in learning to deal with it. An ipod, or whatever, with recorded distractions, worn and played all day while tasks and thinking are going on. Would a person eventually learn to block out distractions and achieve pure functional focus?
What do you think?
assumption makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.