Falloy wrote:
Does this strike a chord with anyone?
Yes, very much so. I struggle to do appropriate things with my body in order to convey emotion. I studied acting in college for a little while, but I had a lot of trouble with embodying characters - I know that I lack the instincts to know what an emotion is supposed to look like. I could study what people look like when they are expressing emotion, but I still can't make it feel natural. And even as an actor, I felt so uncomfortable in my body and so lost when it came to emotion that I would panic. So I just avoid it as much as I can. It got a "flat affect" note on my diagnostic chart, and people constantly tell me I look sad or that I have no expression.
Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).
Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.
--Abbie Hoffman