nerdymama wrote:
absolutely.. and if I do find something somewhat appropriate to say, by the time I think of it, the subject has changed..
dont you hate that!! I do that all the time.
My best one is when I will have an inner diaglog going on in my head while I am listening to the conversation and then I just blurt out what I am thinking....which has nothing to do with the conversation which totally throws everyone for a loop.
My sister says that I am random.
It all makes sense to me...but trying to explain how I came to say what I said gets even more convulited.
They are talking about somebody they know bought a houseboat
they go on to talk about how much it costs and where they been and they mention them seeinmg dolfins swimming along side of the boat
then I start thinking about dolfins which lead me to think how dolfins can kill a shark and often been know to protect people from sharks
then my mind goes to this episode on Animal Planet where these group of wild dolfins surounded these swimmers for hours flapping their fins to keep them in the circle and the people were terrified and did not know they were being protected from 2 great white sharks. well one of them got lose from the dolfin circle and found the sharks and then got back in the circle and was much calmer. a few hours of treading water passed and then the dolfins left because the sharks left.
At this point they are discussing which weed killer works best
and then I say that did you know that wild dolfins have been known to protect humans from shark attacks....I saw it on Animal Planet.
They all look at me with disbelief....what does that remotely have to do with weed killer?
I just say I dunno.
You are so random Jojo
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin