I don't know how others perceive me, other than that they don't view me as I view myself.
I always rejected the 'No one understand me!' stance as a teen as it was so cliché, but I think as an aspie if anyone had right and reason to use that statement it was me, poor social and communication skills means who I am is very much buried and unable to get out, and as it's not me who people get to know it's hard to know who it is they are actually getting to know in my place...how I act or come across is often very different to who I am. This makes me sad, because as far as I'm concerned you are defined by who you are in others eyes...after all once you're gone the only thing left of you is how others remember you.
I have the default of 'everyone hates me' - I'm told at first I seem ignorant, cold, and intimidating.
Thus people do tend to take an instant dislike to me and as far as I'm concerned this is fine because it weeds out the people who can't be bothered to get to know me and thus the people I have no interest in knowing. I've been told online that nothing of my personality comes through, not enough personal information or experiences are expressed in how I write online, thus no one knows me and no one cares to know me. Although this is a fairly good self-defence mechanism; the idea that people only dislike me as they don't know me.
As for people who know me, I worry a lot that they think I'm pathetic, and that they're only friends with me as they pitty me.
It's hard to tell, many people don't seem very loyal or don't really seem great at friendship (or maybe I just have an unrealistic idea of what friendship is based off US sitcoms), thus they don't really get to know you as a person. I don't really know what friendship is or what is normal, so I can't tell if my friends have less interaction with my than others because I don't interact with them, or if they dislike me, or if I'm just reading too much into this and they like me just fine but people in general aren't overly interested in others and so don't always show their like of others in the way I'd expect.
I think things like Facebook make you all the more paranoid; seeing friends spending time with other friends, the sort of social interaction between other people but not with you, the popularity contest that is Facebook, and when so many people add others who they maybe met once several years ago it makes you worry what's wrong with you that they don't add you.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.