This is not lae. This is her daughter. I used to have an account here. I forgot my password so I am borrowing my mom's account until I get my password mailed to me.
Now for my question. Does anyone else here have a really hard time forgiving others and/or understanding the concept of forgiveness? It's a real problem for me. First of all I don't know where the "forgive button" is in my head. If someone tells me to raise my right hand I can do it because I know where my right hand is and because I know how to raise it. When someone tells me to forgive I don't know how. I can't see forgive. I can't touch forgive. I can't point toward forgive. Forgive is not tangible. I try to let it go when someone hurts me. I tell them that i forgive them but i feel exactly the same. Saying the words "I forgive you" doesn't change the way I feel.
I also don't understand the rules for forgiveness. According to my understanding of "neurotypical" society these are the rules. - When someone does something bad to you it's okay to feel upset at them at first but then after a while you are supposed to forgive them for what they did.
I just don't get it. How long are you supposed to feel upset? When is the proper time for forgiveness? If what someone did in the first place is wrong then what makes it forgivable later? Isn't it still wrong regardless of time? If the wrong commited caused acceptable feelings of hurt and anger first why should those feelings be replaced with forgiveness at a later time?
I have so much trouble understanding concepts such as these. ( I also don't understand the purpose of marriage, funerals, career success, war, high school, wanting to live in a really big expensive house, chewing with your mouth closed, saying excuse me when you burb, hallways, living rooms, couches, high heels,organized religion, vvc and celebrities....... but I won't get into all of that this time)