Okay I have had enough of this bullcrap. Reading through the comments on other threads here I think most of us disagree with this guy's position claiming we lack empathy or the capacity to develop the equivalence of.
Now, I was sitting on the fence until I realised this guy's cousin is BORAT!
This is a damn money-spinning NT piss-take . This guy is a media darling and he's junking out on the experience . It dangerous to allow this misconception to persist when the media are currently spoonfeeding their readers with the dangers of individuals and groups lacking emapathy.
I am suggestion the formation of one serious badass team of thinkers to take this theory down before it goes any further and starts impacting on our lives in the current climate of escalating moral panic .
I will not do this unless I have full agreement or a reasonable spread of ideas.
Just post a yes, or no below, and a brief why / why not.
Baron-Cohen has made a major contribution to our understanding of autism. Autistic people lack any comprehension that other people have feelings. They do not understand what empathy is. Like most psychologists, he loves categorising and measuring. He describes how our degree of empathy can be measured, and how our scores form the familiar shape of the bell curve. If you want to find your Empathy Quotient (EQ), the questionnaire is in the book. There is also the Systemizing Mechanism and references to questionnaires that establish the Systemising Quotient (SQ). Such measuring instruments enable him to create different categories for degrees and kinds of empathy. He defines empathy as [b]
1"Our ability to identify what someone else is thinking,"
2.and to respond to their thoughts and feelings with an appropriate emotion"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/ap ... hen-reviewInglorious!
Whoa. That quote is out of order. Even though we might have some difficulties with ToM, we do not "lack" empathy.
I don't know what else to say at the moment but I agree with you that people are getting the wrong ideas. Aren't there enough misconceptions already?
I agree with you that the misconception should be stopped if possible but I'm not totally sure how any of us could really go about it, other than what was said in the other thread.