Any tips?
Just give her the list, and take it from there. It's a starting point for discussion.
I wrote copious amounts to pass to my doctors because expressing it as speech is something I could not do. But when the questions were based directly on what was written - so I did not have verbally initiate - it was a little easier to talk about myself (but still very very challenging, and this was obvious the amount of stimming I did when I was in with the doctors - and I was trying to limit it - and the number of times I completely missed / failed to answer the question being asked)
The doctors repeatedly commented how helpful it was to have my written comments - because they got a better idea of how my brain worked from these than when I was obviously struggling in our meetings.
Overall the only tip I can give is to just be yourself. If you can't speak, don't speak - write instead.
Female. Dx ASD in 2011 @ Age 38. Also Dx BPD