Often times I will say things to people, and have them lost in translation, to me saying a comment seems perfectly logical but upon reflection is taken completely the wrong way:
Telling a girl she is big enough and ugly enough to take care of herself - Meaning she is old enough and wise enough to be able to figure things out on her own...(not one of my smartest moments)
Asking my dad why he is doing what he is doing which got translated as "why the hell are you wasting your time with that?" when I actually meant why are you doing what you are doing and why does it make it better? (when he is building a website with html but I don't understand the process)
Telling a man who was bothering one of my friends that:
A) she had a boyfriend already...
B) upon his reply of saying she can't have two boyfriends for whatever logic he was displaying that she indeed can, she just doesn't know it yet...(this one was actually seen as funny by her and diffused the situation and got rid of him...though someone took control of my mouth at that particular time)
Telling the biggest as*hole in my town that while his large muscles might protect him from the cold he was whining about, asking why he obviously didn't have the brains to wear a coat in winter? (though for some reason he ignored that, maybe he was saving it for a rainy day)
and too many more to mention...
I think that is my greatest issue, I tend to be quite blunt and not actually take the five hours or so to frame my question or comment in the correct light, have you ever had any faux pas on this magnitude and wished you could take it back?