wefunction wrote:
I don't know how you all keep track of the phone calls that need to be made and when you have to follow up on issues if you erase all evidence of making the call in the first place. How do you remember who you talked to? Their employee ID number? The case number for your call? Any pertinent information in that call? I'm in awe how you can have social anxiety and yet retain all this information effortlessly. I wish I could be like that.
Retain what? I don't make calls to people I don't know, nor answer calls until I know who's on the other end. I have far less social anxiety on the phone than I do in person, because I don't have to interpret body language or facial expressions, but I still don't go out of my way to interact with strangers that way, unless its absolutely necessary.
OTOH, if you started using the phone when they were still rotary-dialers, you remembered the details because you had to. I was a teenager before the first answering machines were marketed and in my thirties before there was such a thing as caller ID. A notepad can help, but notes get lost.
"Strange, inaccessible worlds exist at our very elbows"
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft