The_Walrus wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
If Macs and Smartphones can be made hackproof so can a nanobot. The key is not to involve any servers but satellites and nanobot towers instead. This will save the nanobot dynasty from extinction.
I'm fairly sure Macs and Smartphones aren't hackproof. It's just nobody bothers hacking Macs because nobody uses them, just like few people bother creating viruses for Macs because with a little extra effort you can create a virus capable of infecting nine times more machines. We're all aware of the hacking of people's answering machines, some of which were presumably accessed via smartphones, and they can be jailbroken.
The thing to do would be to only give them simple functions. The ones that fight cancer could only be able to identify cancerous cells and release their medicine once they had done so, for example. One cannot hack a television, or a car, as the electronics are so simple (compared to a computer).
Yeah, NOTHING is hackproof! Macs AND smartphones were hacked! In fact, Obama almost didn't get his blackberry because the security agency determined it was TOO easy to hack. In fact, the signals are too easy to
"hack". And there is NO way to make the signals any more secure, because it is a STANDARD! Change IT, and no earlier phones will work! The reason why they are considered "hackproof" is because there is so little interest. ALSO, the M/S windows system was built BEFORE the average person knew about viruses, and has virtually NO security!
As for the math to get this thig to work? It is SIMPLE! X=1 where X=0! That is to say they currently DON'T EXIST! Besides, as long as we are doing this, I have a better idea! How about a nano bot that makes sure you never grow older than 25, can repair your body to that state, makes you impervious to all tihings, makes you able to fly, and increases your IQ to 300+!? Oh yeah, it also makes it so you don't have t worry about food or water!
As for where the human race is going? It has gone SO far that it has decided to put human evolution in REVERSE! Frankly I don't know if there is any hope. It is ironic that those that stress darwin SO much have decided to reverse things. ALL done under the supposed banner of compassion and fairness. Of course the profit, power, and monopolies in the background help to encourage them!