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14 Aug 2011, 9:45 pm

Do you have stims that others have noticed that you've been completely unaware of until they were pointed out to you?

I apparently fold my hands and use my thumbs to massage each other if I'm stuck talking about someone I dislike. I was unaware of this until my therapist pointed it out to me.


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14 Aug 2011, 10:22 pm

Yeah, I tuck my hair behind my ears over and over again when I'm really nervous. My math team coach in junior high noticed it, so I asked my mom to french braid my hair before every meet so I wouldn't be tempted during the contest. I always at least wore a headband during the actual tests. I still do this for major exams in college.


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14 Aug 2011, 10:27 pm

The one I can think of being told is wringing by hand/holding my left thumb at my chest. Oh, I don't know if it's a stim but I know, and have been told, if I am upset I will often put my hands toward my head and kind of move my hands.

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15 Aug 2011, 1:22 am

I bite the little finger on my left hand when I'm using a computer. I've done that as long as I can remember and now I have callouses(spelling?) all over that finger from all the chewing. Resulted in some rather strong teeth though :D

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15 Aug 2011, 12:15 pm

Twirling my hair. I didn't realize that I did this until I was diagnosed with PDD NOS and the psychologist diagnosing me pointed to my hair-twirling as an example of my stimming.


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15 Aug 2011, 1:02 pm

I'm always hearing my family members say, "Why do you keep popping your knuckles?" I'm not popping them, it just looks like I am by the way I fidget my hands.

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15 Aug 2011, 2:17 pm

One people told me off for: putting my fingers to my mouth all the time. I don't do well in flu season! My mother decided I had an "oral fixation," despite not putting anything else in my mouth, and I never sucked them or anything. I used to ruin my fingernails from putting my teeth under them, though, so now I cut them nearly to the quick in obsessive little semicircles :)

I also tuck and untuck my hair when I'm nervous as well, so I always fasten it up into a bun when I take exams!


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15 Aug 2011, 4:47 pm

Jory wrote:
I'm always hearing my family members say, "Why do you keep popping your knuckles?" I'm not popping them, it just looks like I am by the way I fidget my hands.

this is me. and I tap. incessantly at times.


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15 Aug 2011, 4:54 pm

Jory wrote:
I'm always hearing my family members say, "Why do you keep popping your knuckles?" I'm not popping them, it just looks like I am by the way I fidget my hands.

My mom's been trying to get me to stop fidgeting with my hands, but I still do it.


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15 Aug 2011, 4:59 pm

When I was little, I would wring my hands a lot. One of my third grade teachers would point that out to me every now and then.

Now, the stimming I most get pointed out for is playing with the seams of my pants.

What fresh hell is this?