BlueAbyss wrote:
Of course they can be. It doesn't follow that they all are. I prefer to eat at home, usually. It's cheaper, less noisy, and I know what it is I'm eating. But I've had some incredibly great experiences eating out. I love good food, and when the restaurant is good on many levels, it's just amazing.
Agreed. Eating out at restaurants and cafés can occasionally be a wonderful experience. Sometimes it's pretty good, often it's average and sometimes it's terrible. A person shouldn't block out that part of their life just because they're terrified of germs and bacteria. Germs (I nearly wrote "Germans!") and bacteria are normal parts of life anyway and are all around us.
Murderface wrote:
I will hold it even to the point of pain. No public toilets for me.
Do you live in a rural area? Perhaps you could go for a slash somewhere?
Also, if it's the rear canal that wants your attention, you're not going to be able to hold on forever, especially if it's urgent. It's not worth the risk. If you can, you'd be better off picking decent restaurants that you actually trust.
thomas81 wrote:
not sure about restaurants but what i really hate is small cafes (greasy spoons as they are affectionately known in the uk) because as the moniker suggests they often fail to adequately clean the cutlery, leaving the last person's meal intact.
There are good places to eat in Northern Ireland. In fact, the food there is often pretty memorable. There should be some good cafés where you live that aren't complete dumps.