I definitely feel that AS should be classified seperately from Autism. Yes, there are some common traits, but there are also common traits with many other conditions and that doesn't mean they have to be grouped. I do not consider myself to be Autistic. I consider myself to be an Aspie, and I see that as something quite different, merely with some associated traits. To me, the difference in verbal ability is a big enough thing by itself to diffrenciate AS from Autism, and the very existance of a community like this is also proof to me that Aspies and Auties are fundementally different. So many of us break the classic 'autism' mould by being creative, having imagination, having strong verbal skills that aren't merely 'by rote', and indeed having the theory of mind to discuss our own condition so insightfully. Yet we are classed on the Autistic Spectrum because with the combinations of our social difficulties, sensory problems, and non-verbal problems there is nowhere else that fits... nowhere else for us to be grouped. I think it's high time that AS was looked at without being grouped under the Autism umbrella (with all its assumptions).
~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~