oh, i have an all year round allergic rhinitis, i remember i used to be terribly ill , dont know if it was sinusitis or not coz my parents never cared, during the months december to march, and this lasted until the age of 18.
now, i dont have such episodes, but i learned to avoid the things that irritate me. i have been once on allergy drugs but then quit on them, coz they had much of side effects. i also wondered once about the relation between recurrent childhood respiratory infections along with allergic exacerbations and the change in the wiring of the brain, to tell u the truth, my brother has asthma , and suffered all along his childhood, but he got nothing to do with being nerdy, and he is no inventor or anything, he is so typical. anyway, i cannot also say that he developed any special visual spatial traits, he went to archi school and he sucked, he is good in maths anyway. but let me get this more confusingly, i think that the conditions that the mother has while being pregnant affect the wiring of the brain of her baby more than anything else, the relationship is still not well established, but u can see differences in the siblings according to the conditions the same mother had while being pregnant.