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if you are autistic, do you want to be cured?
yes 21%  21%  [ 33 ]
no 79%  79%  [ 125 ]
Total votes : 158


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01 Feb 2010, 12:10 pm

if you are autistic, do you want to be cured?

first class autistic
second class citizen
sick of being ashamed of my own flesh!


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01 Feb 2010, 12:20 pm

You can take my money, you can take my computers, you can take my iPhone, you can take my iPod, you can take all my food away, and you can even take my life, but you CANNOT take my Asperger's. I'd rather kill myself than get "cured". Same goes for autism behaviour therapy.


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01 Feb 2010, 12:21 pm

Nope! I am perfectly happy just the way I am.
Sure, I may have some problems, but everyone does, to some extent.
The thing is, I know how to handle my problems, and make the most of my gifts! :D

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01 Feb 2010, 12:58 pm

Nope, I'm OK as I am and I don't care about having this condition because it's just normal everyday life for me and I'm used to it.
I don't mind if someone does want to be cured, I don't blame them to be honest.

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01 Feb 2010, 1:25 pm

I've been thinking, based on what I've read about autism and what I've read about Asperger's, that they are different.

Asperger's is an innate difference. And an aspie has both gifts and disabilities, which are both part of Asperger's, even if the diagnosis focuses on the disabilities. To the extent that I'm an aspie, no, I don't want to be cured. It's who I am, and I don't want to change that. I want to grow and develop as a person, to learn new skills, learn about myself, etc. But I don't want to change the essence of who I am.

Autism, I see (based on how it's talked about) something more. It starts with those innate difference. But there's a withdrawing for failure to connect that goes beyond those innate differences.

As I see it, I used to be autistic (without knowing it), and did want to overcome it, and have overcome it.

So, that's the thinking beyond my yes vote, which is the only yes so far.

Of course, not everyone sees those labels that way, and that's okay. But, whatever label, there are both those innate qualities that we learn to live with, to accept, and to work with; and there are those qualities that aren't innate, and that we can overcome, and that overcoming them makes are more fully ourselves. I think people who think "cure" are usually looking at those non-innate qualities.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
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01 Feb 2010, 1:33 pm

No, no, no, and NO definitely not for me... but one thing I would want cured is my confidence. Thats all.

Second of all, I would not want to go through pains and that and a missing part of me that has been there for nearly all my whole lifetime, and without that, I wouldn't be so multi-talented that i'am today. :D

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01 Feb 2010, 1:47 pm

I don't want to be cured.... I just want to be accepted!


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01 Feb 2010, 1:50 pm

robinhood wrote:
I don't want to be cured.... I just want to be accepted!

Oh yes, that's what I was trying to say... but for some reeason, I couldn't seem to get that out of my head.
I wish that it wasn't a thing that people make fun of... :(

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01 Feb 2010, 1:51 pm

I wouldn't mind losing some AS traits, such as the sensory problems


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01 Feb 2010, 2:21 pm

I want to be cured of sensory processing problems, insomnia, meltdowns, anxiety and some ADHD-related stuff. That's all. But if getting rid of all that means stripping me of my autism, then I'd rather continue to put up with it.

When I must wait in a queue, I dance. Classified as an aspie with ADHD on 31 March 2009 at the age of 43.

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01 Feb 2010, 2:45 pm

At this point I would say No, but if I could be reborn and start at 0 I would prefer not to be an aspie. If there's one thing I would like to be cured of it's depersonalization/dissociation (or schizo-affective perhaps, who knows...) and depression which took over my life from when I was 12.


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01 Feb 2010, 3:13 pm

I'd rather commit suicide than be cured of my autism. I's rather be in the army, than be cured of my autism. I'd rather be drugged by the hippies in the parks, than be cured of my autism. I'd rather move back in with my parents, than be cured of my autism. I'd rather have my Kinks records and CDs stolen from me, than be cured of my autism. I do not wish to be cured of my autism.

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01 Feb 2010, 3:15 pm

No, I'd much rather be a social ret*d.


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01 Feb 2010, 3:27 pm

I wouldn't mind being cured....of my arthritis. Also like to lose some weight and have my original teeth back. Other than that, I'm fine.

01 Feb 2010, 3:40 pm

NO!! !! !! !


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01 Feb 2010, 3:49 pm

No. When I was first diagnosed, yes. And I do think life would be easier not to have AS...but now, I in no way want it cured! I don't see myself as "diseased" or overwhelmingly disadvantaged. If someone offered me a "cure," I think I'd run in the opposite direction, fast. I don't want to be cured, I want to be me -- and be accepted as I am!

Sadly, this frustrates my husband, who does see my AS as a disease. He'll say things like, "Don't you wish you were normal?" My answer was, "More than anything," at one time, but now I feel more like saying, "No, thank you -- you have all the normal we need!" When he's truly angry, he'll say something like, "Can't you be normal, for just ONE MINUTE?" Next time, I'm going to say, "No, and thank heaven for that!"