I joined a forum with social researchers and these types of professionals. They were discussing AS . It is The Guardian , and this is where SBC's work has been reviewed. I was Ok and being diplomatic until I noticed one of our guy's trying to get some points across and he was being treated with what I took to be patronizing remarks and condescension by a few of people there. Like he was stuttering or something, which he wasn't at all and they pretended they couldn't get what he was trying to tell them.
The AS person does a lot of good work in the UK and is trying to raise awareness for AS with The Government.
.One NT was really rude to him:
Arec...It's all very well making claims for paradigm shifts...but you have to face the possibility that you're wrong.
Clearly, he doesn't have to face that possibility
All he has to do is ignore any salient points made by others that contradict his special shiny new paradigm and carry on braying that the view from the Balrin bedroom eclipses all others.
Antother was Ok but he kept being condesending and treating him like a case and kept putting him in logic locks . This is not the best way to teach'help someone like Arec.
This not so rude NT got defensive when I showed Arac how to get out of a simple logic lock.
They are also exhausting him by asking him questions they already know the answer to.
I do not usually go at people but the guy started to try this BS with me and I really laid into him. He was just an old guy who had read some books and was posturing. I went into him like streetfighter in apub. So bad.
I upset the NT and frightened the others. I am not a good diplomat for WP . I do not feel any sense of having won anything even though I won the argument.I actually feel like I have just randomly laid into someone because I got angry.
Arec is still there and I haven't helped him by doing this.
I left a warning I will go back if I see anyone else trying to bully him. Could not think what else to do.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... f-comments
http://www.guardian.co.uk/discussion/yo ... f-comments
Last edited by memesplice on 11 Aug 2011, 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.