Sometimes, there are threads in this forum about the issue "the best country for an aspie" or "the best culture for an aspie".
Thinking about the issue, I think that will very difficult to find a culture good for aspies, because there is latent opposition between two typical aspie traits - "social eccentricity" and "need for routine". But my "social eccentricity" is your "unpredicted change of routine". This mean that societies that tolerate a great degree of variance in behaviour and are tolerant of eccentricity wil be also societies with low order, predictability and routine; and ordered, punctual, etc. societies are usually societies where individual eccentricity is not tolerated (about the fascination with Japan than many people have at WP - do you really want to live in a country where "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"?).
[Btw, other implication of that is that, even if everybody had an ASD, life will not necessary be better for autistics - imagine people with strong sensory issues and people with intense stimms working together in the same room.]
Returning to the question of different cultures, let's put it in other way - in very formal cultures, it is more easy to know how to "do the right thing", but if you fail to do that, will be subjected to big social reprobation; in contrast, in more "loose" cultures your social "faux pas" will looked with more toleration, but probably you will make much more of them (because the social rules are less explicit). And I think that there is no escape for this trade-off.
Personally, I choose "loose" societies, but this is simply a matter of personal taste