I just told my general physician that I'm an aspie and it went really, really well!
She's a fairly young doctor and I thought she'd be pretty open to talking about it. I was pleasantly surprised at how supportive she was of my self-diagnosis. We talked about why I think I have Asperger's, that there isn't much medically to do for it for me (I'm 54, on anti-depressants for OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, and dysthemia, and have gained a lot of coping skills over the years). She'd like to see the outcomes of the various tests I've taken.
I told her that I wasn't looking for a formal diagnosis at this point, that I might change my mind about that in the future, and I would talk with her if I did. I did tell her that I was diagnosed with OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, and dysthemia (a form of depression) several years ago, and mentioned that those three conditions are comorbid with Asperger's (about 65%, I believe). I told her that I wasn't too surprised that I wasn't tested for Asperger's twelve years ago when I went through neurological testing, for Asperger's awareness has taken a while to work its way into the medical community. She agreed.
While speaking with her, I noticed that I was looking her in the eye, and commented on that. I told her that I've found ways of passing for normal much of the time, but that it was an awful lot of work and tired me out. She told me she was impressed with the several ways that I'd found to cope with Asperger's and that I'd obviously done a great deal of reading and thinking about my challenges over the years.
She told me that her profession missed the boat with regard to diagnosing Asperger's for many people.
She asked me if it was a relief when I realized that I had Asperger's. I told her it was a wonderful relief, that for the first time I understood that there were many others like me, and that I wasn't some fluke, that I wasn't alone. She seemed quite glad for me.
I was worried about talking with her about this. It couldn't have gone better.
I'm having a very good day.
Diagnosed: OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Dysthemia
Undiagnosed: AS (Aspie: 176/200, NT: 37/200)
High functioning, software engineer, algorithms, cats, books