Your husband wants to tell them. Let him.
It may not solve things the way he wants, but the man has a right to try.
And he can stay frustrated at them and their behaviour, not become frustrated at you for stopping him telling them.
They may or may not believe him. Even if they do believe him, I suspect there will be "Yes, but she's so (list of complaints), which is nothing to do with the condition". This is because:
- it's shock to them
- the fact that they're in the medical profession will stand against you, as there will be a part of them that will take it as a challenge to their abilities (not your fault, but they have egos)
- decades of ingrained behaviour on how to treat you will be woven into so many aspects of them, you, your usual interaction with them that even with the best will in the world (where they magically apologise for everything), it will be impossible to change overnight.
Good luck. At least your husband is on your side, and wants to fight your corner. In that respect, you've got a good man in your life there.