Well I'm not diagnosed but I have a lot of aspie tendencies and I'm very cynical. When people make any kind of subjective value judgement, like the example you gave about the free market theory, I'm always looking for their real motive, and I tend to assume it's either selfishness, stupidity, or ego. And I'm almost always right about that.
And the "take care of yourself" attitude is pretty basic to not only humans but to all life. Just look at how plants grow: if you put 2 seedlings next to each other, they'll both keep growing taller to try to get more sunlight, and if one happens to grow over the other, it will then begin to spread out, forcing the other to start twisting itself sideways to try to get sunlight and probably eventually wither away and die. Life doesn't even need consciousness, or even any kind of nervous system to be selfish, it just is.
How's that for cynical?