Whether astrology is logical or no, there are alot of people out there looking for answers to spiritual things--and answers about autism. From articles like these it's possible to glean bits of information about public perception of the spectrum.Besides the usual consider the source,speculating who the audience might be etc, here's what I've gathered from it:
*there are some elements of truth-
Autism:The Astrological Connection wrote:
The term "autism" was first used in its modern sense in 1943 by a child psychiatrist named Leo Kanner at Johns Hopkins Institute, and one year later by Hans Asperger in Vienna.
*there is also a lot of um..."interesting" aspects to it as well-
Autism:The Astrological Connection wrote:
During this time Saturn and Uranus had both just entered and conjoined in Gemini, the sign that rules communication and the mental process.
* there is a much more positive attitude about people on the spectrum than I've seen in many more scientific articles-
Autism:The Astrological Connection wrote:
If the autism rate continues to increase beyond the current rate of 1 in 150, we will need to change our thinking about what we are now calling a psychiatric disorder and expand our minds...
Anyway,for what it's worth there may be something useful there even if one doesn't ascribe to astrology.
You echo my sentiments, exactly. While I don't profess to "believe" in astrology, what stood out here was a more open minded and sympathetic attitude towards those of us on the spectrum. I would rather that, than still another article from the curbies. And, I have read posts from others on WP, speculating about what the current trend of rising autism rates, could mean in the genetic evolution of mankind.