Jory wrote:
I've heard a lot of people rave about how brilliant Garfielf Minus Garfield is, over-analyzing it and talking in really pretentious terms about how "existential" (or whatever) it is, but I can't say that I see what's supposed to be so brilliant about it. Not that I'm a fan of the original strip, either, despite my avatar. Garfield's expression to the left of this message is how I feel about both of them. A big pile of meh.
Edit: Oh, s**t! I just realized how brilliant I'm being by using this avatar. You see, it's a clever and ironic statement, or something, since Garfield's expression reflects my own feelings about his strip, and... whoa. Like, deep, man.
Nah I don't think it's "brilliant" but I do think it was a rather nifty idea to take Garfield out of the strip.
I used to love Garfield growing up but now he looks weird in the comic and the strip has changed. It's more one liners now or bad jokes. There used to be running stories that would last a week or two sometimes back in the old days.
I think it's funny watching a comic strip about a guy who is a mental patient, talking to himself. But I have a weird sense of humor. I also think it can incredibly sad when set to depressing music. I enjoy it.