jmnixon95 wrote:
Okay, so I'm always wanting to eat things that are crunchy. (I'm putting this under General Autism Discussion because it's a sensory thing; I'd prefer it stay in here.)
I don't know what it is about crunchy things; I usually don't like when other people eat them because of the sound they make when chewed, but I could eat only-crunchy things forever. I just finished a bowl of Baked Ruffles, and I'm just like, "MORE."
I even eat crunchy things when I'm not hungry.
Problem is, I've gained quite a bit of weight over the past 6 months or so because I eat a lot of chips and stuff just to get that crunchiness. All the crunchy foods I like happens to be really bad for you. -.- I don't even necessarily do it for the food or the taste, just what it's like when chewed. If that makes any sense.
Can anyone else here relate to the above? Also, does anyone know of any crunchy foods that are healthy (besides celery; have tried it and I'm not too fond of it)? Or maybe something not food-related that I can do to make that craving for crunchy stuff become less intense?
Yes! I was just thinking about this last night. Often I have to eat a bowl of cereal to get relaxed enough to go to bed. There's something about a starchy crunchiness, er, like of grains. Not potatoes which are starchy too I guess. And vegetable crunchiness does not do it for me. I have a weight problem too. I hope someone can think of something that's not food that would be a good substitute.