I have pure obessional OCD. My main obsessions as far as actual intrusive thoughts that repeatedly come into my mind against my will are of a blasphemous or aggressive nature. I have many other OCD issues, too many to list here, really. Lots of perfectionistic/failure worries and moral/scrupulosity worries. Being a pure obsessional, my main compulsions are of the mental variety, mainly silently praying in my mind. My other main compulsions are confessing, checking to make sure I didn't make a mistake of some sort or that somebody's okay, and asking for reassurance.
I started having OCD symptoms at age 3. My symptoms waxed and waned in my childhood, with ages 4 and 7 having the most symptoms. My OCD became full-blown and chronically severe at age 11 1/2. Self-diagnosed myself around age 16. Sought an official diagnosis and professional help at age 17. My OCD definitely has interfered with my life much more and in a much more negative way than my AS. There are parts of AS that I enjoy having, such as my special interests and exceptional memory for facts. There is NOTHING I enjoy about OCD. It is horrible.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?