I went to the emergency room because I got a really bad migraine last night and it just felt..off. The ER referred me to a neurologist, for some reason. I'm calling to make my appointment tomorrow and I was wondering if, when I see the neurologist, if I should mention that I think I have AS. Sometimes, my headaches (or migraines, whatever you want to call them), come whenever I'm overstimulated. Honestly, they either come whenever I'm overstimulated or whenever I'm running on too little sleep and too much stress or interaction with people. It's going to be weird because the neurologist is going to ask me what goes on and I'm not really going to be able to tell him. I don't know how I feel when I have a headache. I just know that there's a general pain in my head and that I can't pinpoint where the pain is (most of the time). I also know that I space out pretty badly whenever I get a headache. I've spaced out for hours at a time. I don't know if I should mention the whole AS thing because I haven't been diagnosed. I really don't know what I should even say when I go? Any thoughts or advice would be fantastic.
"I talk to God but the sky is empty" Sylvia Plath
Aspie Score: 167 out of 200, NT Score: 27 out of 200