I'm guessing you enjoy Mr Bean as well... Call me psychic.
I like deadpan, like Peter Sellers on The Party or Rowan Atkinson in Johnny English (and Mr Bean).
According to Wikipedia:
Deadpan is a form of comedic delivery in which something humorous is said or done by a person, while not exhibiting a change in emotion or facial expression.
I guess I also laugh at "dry" humor. I don't know if that's the right word. It's kind of like a softer black humor mixed with irony. For instance, when in the news I read a political statement thats so stupid it makes me laugh, but at the same time it's sad and frustrating that people like that lead the world.
I think it's also called wry or sardonic.
Sometimes people give me weird looks when I laugh at these times, because they think... Well, I think they think I'm thinking something entirely different from what I'm really thinking.
And random humor, of course!