I agree, verbal instructions make me get lost so fast! Also, as another poster said, if more than one person is talking to me, my brain just freezes up entirely.
When someone is speaking and it is all new information to me, not something predictable As in "Hi, How are you today?" or whatnot, it is like the words they speak... are a flock of butterflies, and they fly around in the air in front of me, and I am just trying to catch all of them in a net, because I am about to lose all of the words, they will just fly away!
I try to remember the most important words, but I end up with a scattered pile of words and I forget the order, and I forget which ones had priority. For instance, a doctor was telling me how to treat a skin infection, and the only words I ended up with were "hot compress" and some numbers like 4, 30, etc. So I walked away wondering if I was supposed to do a hot compress (whatever that is) for 4 minutes or for 30 minutes? And of course, the doctor rattled it off at light speed and promptly disappeared. I prefer a doctor who is kind enough to write out the instructions.
But this happens to me all the time. It helps if the person speaking allows me to repeat back to them the key points, and if they help me keep instructions in proper order, do this first, followed by this, and end with this.
It is not easy!