Joe90 wrote:
I'm not a textbook case either. But I'm a textbook case of ADHD though.
Word. Although being a female with ADHD can in some people's eyes make you a non-nextbook case as well. People get weird about ADHD in girls because it challenges gender stereotypes. I had this conversation with my mom a couple years ago:
mom: "Little boys are always higher-energy and harder to raise than little girls."
me: "That's a pretty big generalization."
mom: "It's not a generalization, it's just biology."
me: "Maybe to some extent, but I also think society is less accepting of hyperactive behavior in girls than in boys."
mom: "That's not true, and you wouldn't know. You have never been a parent."
me: "By that logic you wouldn't know either because you've only had daughters."
mom: "I helped raise my sister's son before you were born."
me: "Yeah, but aren't you always saying he was super quiet and well-behaved?"
mom: "Well, he was more active than you girls."
me: "Even than I was?"
mom: "Yes."
me: "Interesting, then why was I taken by you to get an ADHD diagnosis when I was 12? Was it because society has a lower bar for what they consider disordered hyperactivity in girls or is it because I am indeed more active than he was?"
mom: ...
me: "CATCH 22"