madbutnotmad wrote:
i believe this is a personal choice
I think it some circumstances it can work in your favour
and in other circumstances it can work against you
all depends what types of people who you are talking to
good people generally are kind and considerate
bad people will use it as an excuse to discriminate
in some cases, it can get you work and other cases
it can get you excluded from work
when it comes to intimate relationships, it may scare some off
but if a person is kind and considerate (which are qualities i expect in a partner)
then they will be fine with it, and perhaps read up on it in order to make themselves
a better partner
by disclosing, you may open yourself to being bullied by the a holes
but by disclosing you may find people who aren't
who may make allowances for you if you act a little strange
most people i have told have been fine
and some have their own experiences with others with the condition
so no problemo...
Thanks for the response. I just don’t want to deal with social isolation or romantic rejection over having something I was born with. Also don’t want to deal with proving people that I’m not like the others on the spectrum. Also I don’t want to deal with condensing people.