ChrisP wrote:
Hi all,
I posted this earlier, then found I'd left it in an odd place, so I thought I'd try it again here, where I guess it belongs - sorry folks:
I seem to be missing something probably very obvious! Many on here show letters and scores, figures usually against the letters AQ, AS, & NT. What do these signify? Are they something to do with the 'quiz' I did early on when I arrived here? If so, how do I extract my scores from those results?
A nice simple explanation would be very welcome! Thank you!
They mean, respectively, Autism Quotient, Asperger's Syndrome and Neurotypical. The Autism Quotient is based on Baron-Cohen's AQ test, which you can probably find online. AS is, well, obvious, and Neurotypical is what one might call a "normal" person without any ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) or just any mental "disorder".
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT