I got obsessed with crossing in a certain way and I only ever crossed at proper signals. The idea of jay walking is very scary to me. My mom and dad both cross the road like it's nothing and it bothers me a lot, mostly because they expect me to then follow them. It doesn't happen too often, luckily, but it's always frustrating when it does.
I lived in NYC for a bit and it was walking everywhere! That wasn't a problem, except for all of the cars. I almost got hit by a bus at one point because the drivers there are a bit nuts. It was my green light and they turned at the intersection into the crossing lane and almost hit me. The bus didn't show any sign of slowing down, either. That was the scary part.
On a side note... does anyone get very anxious when there are people along the sidewalk or stopped in front of buildings? I used to get very irrational anxiety surrounding those "salesmen" type people who stop you on the street and also homeless people who ask for money. There were a few people who would park themselves outside of the grocery story. Sometimes I would decide not to go in because they were there.
I also don't really like it when people sit outside on porches and things. It makes me feel very uncomfortable to walk by them. I don't know why.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.