If Autism is about social difficulties, then why does it also include everything else, making life more of a strain than what it already is? If it was just the social difficulty part we just had, life wouldn't be as hard as what it is with having extra major problems like sensory issues, anxieties, disliking change, obsessions, memory issues, meltdowns, emotional issues, and prone to at least one other separate disorder on top of it like OCD, ADHD, ADD, Dyspraxia, high anxiety disorders, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Agoraphobia, and lots of others what I can't think of. What's the need for all these extra disorders? Why can't Autism just be some social difficulties, and not all these added to it? What's sensory issues got to do with social issues? And why the meltdowns? Why anxieties? Then there's all the stuff like stimming, facial blindness, object blindness, giving off vibes, unconfidence, ''wrong'' gestures, ect. Where do the symptoms ever end? Ohh, this is why I hate Autism so much!