I'm constantly dealing with authority, whether it be authority over me, or having to assert MY authority over others at work. Trust me when I say being the guy with the authority is not always fun, because you have to trust other people to do a job that you're responsible for, and that can be very stressful when you're not sure if the workers under you are actually doing what you told them to do, or if you told them to do the right thing, or if they understand the thing they're supposed to be doing.
TheBrain, it sounds like you imagine your bosses or other authorities to do the worst case scenario, which is loudly berating you for some mistake you did or didn't do and berating you even further if you dare speak up for yourself and telling you how close to the razor wire you are from being fired cause they can do it just like that (snaps fingers). And yeah, it happens. But really, it doesn't happen all that much. Because the boss who acts like that won't be a boss for very long over people who are worth anything.
It's just like asking a girl out, in that we imagine her telling us off loudly for even IMAGINING that we were good enough to even TALK to her, let alone ask her out to dinner and she ONLY dates hot guys with big cars and lots of money and what are you still doing here, creep? Get lost before my boyfriend beats you up! Except, really, this pretty much never happens in real life. At least, not nearly as often as we imagine it does. Girls are just girls, and bosses are just people with a different set of responsibilities. If they know you're willing to work, show up on time and listen to what they have to say, most everything else is forgivable.
Everything would be better if you were in charge.