In a group conversation, I only usually speak when I feel something needs to be said. I just don't see the point in saying pointless things for the sake of talking.
This may sound odd.
But as a kid i talked the most of anyone in the family/class etc.
I never shut up at all and was interested in everything.
Than at 10 i turned around 180 degrees and turned into the most quiet guy in the family Embarassed
Noone would have expected this from me having experienced me as a kid.
It's kinda funny how things can turn out.
Talking about a transformation...
I would call myself mild and I'm extremely quiet. Even with people I know and consider friends I will sometimes sit for an entire meal and hardly say anything.
At work and when going out alot of people have commented on how quiet i am, i don't know why i am quiet i just cannot think of anything to say or i know it is too much like hard work.
In greetings, useless smalltalk (weather, etc.) and business communication (not the politics, but I haven't really experienced much of that), I have built up some things to say, which get me by nowadays.