Moog wrote:
Also, there's some scholars who believe the Neanderthalis were actually significantly 'better' than 'us' in many ways.
Some philosophers say that the
best was the first to disappear.
This reminds me of the Golden
Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and
Iron Age, which is now.
ediself wrote:
i really like this theory i find it weirdly romantic...
wavefreak58 wrote:
It should be easy to test. I believe the latest research in indicating that Neanderthal genes appear in most of humanity. But Africans and a few other sub-groups do not have those genes. If the incidence of autism is different between the two, then you would at least establish a correlation.
I think the same.
But within the syndrome there are people
who are not like other except for sharing
some features according to scientific
criteria. It means that we are equal? I
think not. I do not look like Bill Gates or
a Japanese computer, but there are people
within the syndrome that appear to my
twin brothers.
It is my opinion.