YES most of my friends have been aspies or have aspie traits. They tend to be the aloof, intimidatingly smart, facade-of-confidence, "the-world-is-wrong-not-me" type aspie (the kind who have hardly any friends because everyone thinks they're cold or arrogant), rather than the awkward, needy type.
Ah those long, intense aspie conversations - love them!! Was once on the phone with an AS friend for ten hours.
I've found that when I'm with a close aspie friend we can both enter a "zone"; this hasn't happened even with my best NT friend. NTs always seem to have certain expectations and they come across to me as being far more judgmental, in a particular kind of way. One has to work to get along with NTs. All that pointless work!
Aspies can very judgmental too, but it's a different kind of judgmental, and often I think it's our way of assuring ourselves that we have valuable qualities (e.g. superior intellect) that "ordinary people" don't have. We need this because "ordinary people", meaning society in general, seem intimidating, judgmental, illogical and perplexing to us.