When I was a kid I would often have the wrong facial expression for how I was feeling. It would get me into trouble because when I was being told off for something I couldn't stop myself from grinning, even though I felt really bad and anxious about being in trouble, and obviously the teacher or parent would get more angry with me for not taking the telling off seriously. I have got better at this as I have got older, although it still happens occasionally. For example, when I had my breakdown I was telling the doctor how depressed I was feeling and he said words to the effect of " but you're talking to me and you look absolutely fine", luckily the sheer frustration I felt that I clearly wasn't getting through to him just how bad I felt made me cry and he took me seriously after that. I was wondering, does this sort of thing happen to anyone else? Does it happen to everyone, or is it an Aspie thing? I am bad at expressing my emotions anyway but this really doesn't help!