I'm good at money, but just one of my things is balancing how much money I want vs time not spent making money that I want. Like I realize all the theoretics of money, just getting it into practice is tough. I don't like, "feel bad" about it or anything, just for me it's more like, matter of fact "I need this much money before I can do X."
Me personally, I don't spend money on things other people spend money on, but still realize how lots of my money goes to ret*d things like energy drinks just to make me feel good short term. But for me, for example, I don't buy clothes for very much money. I got 3 pairs of jeans a couple weeks ago for 1.50 each, nice name brand jeans, but I bought them at Salvation Army. My most expensive clothing purchase this entire year was 20 bucks for a pair of used desert combat boots.
The main problems with my use of money is my like, "divergent" thinking process. It's just my ways of using money are different from people around me. I don't care for or want what other people want, people ridicule me for that, but at the same time, they'll ridicule me for wanting to spend money on specific things I want, or buying random things like getting a bunch of oatmeal when it's on sale in case of a power outage or something, or buying extra tools, etc. I tend to see everything in light of "efficiency." I also feel guilty when I do "normal" things like buy coffee at McDonalds or something, realizing it's not efficient, but only makes me feel good short term. I get guilty as it's like "That money on this coffee that will last me drinking it for only 15 minutes could have been spent on a pair of jeans or a shirt that'll last a few years."
Also, I tend to buy or collect things I feel I'll need later if I get them at a good deal. So my family will complain if I spend like 8 bucks on a coffee maker that's like a 30 cup percolator, as they say it takes up space or whatever. But they generally don't complain about my inefficient energy drink habit for some reason.
Even things like buying a house, I realize I could make, let's say, a neat little house out of some cargo containers for cheap, but most people would frown upon it, and would rather live in a suburban cookie cutter house than a house made themselves out of cargo containers. Hell, I think I'd be happy living in a RV or van, just society looks down upon it. But to me, an RV or van parked somewhere is the most efficient smart thing to do, but you look like a crazy person if you do it.