I read somewhere that some with AS(especially seen in children)will "freeze" in position when they sense danger or overload
I did that last night. I'd just got home, 11:30pm, and was putting the bins out, when I heard squealing tyres and a car smashed into a tree, about 75m up the street from my place.
And I looked to see what happened, and thought about going to see if anyone needed help, but as I was thinking about what should be done, these two boys (tall but still boys, bigger than me) came running flat out, straight at me and my bins. And I just froze.
One of them sort of looked at me and both of them kept running. I didn't say anything to them and they didn't say anything to me. I'd seen this once before where a car full of boys driving stupidly - crash the car and everyone gets out and runs away. So I'm there frozen-ish WTF??? And I look back up the street and there's people piling out of the nearest houses and another car there with its lights on - so I figure they've got help but we need the cops so I unfreeze and go call the cops. I felt pretty freaked out.
Apparently they'd been in a car chase, and the car that showed up after, was a cop car - but I couldn't see that because it left its lights on shining at me so I couldn't see what sort of car it was.