I'm not saying this is true, or works completely, but I was thinking, that it is known to be more anxious if you think too much. I'm always having conversations with myself in my head that won't stop. If I have to stand up on a crowded bus, an annoying voice in my head is saying, ''oh, great, we have to stand up, for christ sake why don't they run buses with more seats? I hate stupid people!'' and then that makes me react more and I tend to glare at people because the thoughts in my head are making me. But if I just stood and didn't think at all, just had a blank mind for that period of time, I think I would be more calmer and would take the situation a lot easier. It might not work, but I'm going to try it next time.
Today I was in a shop, and a kid started up a temper tantrum, and voices in my head sighed and said, ''here we go!'', making me roll my eyes in agreement, then my head started filling up with lots of angry thoughts like, ''I hate children!! !'' and so on, and the thoughts got more overwhelming than the sound of the kid did, so I ended up looking all fed up and found myself glaring at the kid. But then suddenly I tried not to think anything at all, and although I can't filter out unwanted sounds, I still let it pass, instead of letting it overwhelm me - and I wasn't in the best of moods, which proves that this can work. It's no good trying these things when you're in an ''on top of the world'' mood, because when a bad day comes, resentment would have built up and you'll lash out more. But anyway - yes, I stopped thinking, and just stood still with a clear head, and it kind of worked. I will try it more often.
Do you think this could work, or not necessarily for everyone? Would it be worth a try? Maybe self-therapy?
Last edited by Joe90 on 20 Sep 2011, 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.