I do for the most part. Obviously some celebrities are basically dumb, and unlikeable people, but there's others who I'd probably like.
I have a feeling, to be really talented at something, you usually end up at least somewhat eccentric, at least that's what I've seen from meeting people talented in their work. So for me, some celebrities are easy to sympathize with, as they might be actual knowledgeable eccentric people like myself, just they took a different path than me or ended up with sorta "different cards." And sometimes, getting to where they're at takes lots of hard work, more hard work than most people could imagine, basically it's a big gamble. IE, one of my favorite Japanese pop groups, Perfume, their first concert literally had like 5 people show up, they went from that to being one of the most popular well known groups in Japan right now. The girls from Perfume don't seem "normal" by a long shot, either.
So yes, I can usually sympathize with celebrities. Sometimes they're just dumb and lucky, though.