being able to read faces and junk
I got a new therapist not long ago, like my old therapist she thought I had Asperger's, especially after talking to my aunt about it and what I do socially wrong and my obsessions.
But... well... now I am in a relationship. I can read this particular man very well, and tell easily if he's serious or joking.
I don't know if it is because this man is extremely expressive, or if the aspie thing is wrong...
Anyway, now I'm triggered again because someone at church was talking about asperger's.
Should I ask my man if I do anything socially wrong in his eyes? Or just leave it at that? He does say when he first met me I was really shy. He's for sure a very social NT.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020
I don't think you HAVE to not be able to not read everyone's face to be an aspie. It could be that he's expressive, or it could be you've learned to adapt and you can now say "Hey, last time I saw somebody wrinkly their face like a Klingon, it meant they were angry, so I'm going to ask the person if they're angry" Or it could be both, or neither. It's hard to say. Not every person has every single symptom to a "disorder"
I can see a persons face and know that they aren't happy normally, but I can't tell which emotion it's supposed to be if that helps.
Serious and joking.. I also have learned a lot of the time tone of voice helps, but I still get it wrong a lot. That could be another learned skill though.
I figure most of us can read some faces. However, if someone makes an expression that you can't see, how would you even know it? I'll bet we see some expressions and assume that what we see are all the expressions that people make, while missing a whole bunch of other ones.
In fact, I'm thinking that most of the time when I think people have a "blank" or "bored" expression, they're actually making subtle but elaborate expressions that I don't get to see.
As for your boyfriend, it stands to reason that especially in the initial stages of a relationship, his emotions and therefore his expressions are exaggerated when he's with you, so you can see them better.
Just how well do you read his junk?