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have you stalked anyone
no 82%  82%  [ 28 ]
yes 18%  18%  [ 6 ]
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02 Oct 2011, 8:59 pm

i have been falsely accused of stalking many times because of my bad eye contact and ugly face, but i have never actually done it. i was wondering if aspergers people actually do stalk people or are we just always accused of it. i know this is a stupid question to ask but how many of you have stalked someone? i will compare this data to crime rates to see if our rate is any different.


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02 Oct 2011, 9:08 pm

I've never stalked someone in any way that would be against the law or even very creepy, but there was a girl I was attracted to in high school who lent me a play - we never talked face to face, she just left the play with my teacher, with a note inside it addressed to me. I slept with the note under my pillow, and I altered my walking path between classes so that we would pass each other in the hallway. She didn't even know who I was. If I didn't see her in the hall on any given day, I felt just a bit let down.

:oops: :oops:
I was a teenager, though. Not a creepy, criminal stalker. I wouldn't have tried to find her house or anything.

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02 Oct 2011, 9:09 pm

I've been accused of stalking twice, thanks to those unspoken social rules we're all so fond of. The first time, I went on a date with a guy and he asked me to call him soon. I interpreted "soon" as later that night. No answer. I called the next day. No answer. I called the day after that. No answer. I went to the shopping mall where he worked in a food court restaurant, and left a note by his cash register asking him to call me. The next day I got an angry e-mail accusing me of stalking, with a threat to call the cops if I didn't leave him alone. He said something about how there's an unspoken rule that you're supposed to wait three days before calling someone. I must have misplaced the rule book that listed that one. The second time, I called a guy three times in a day, and that was interpreted as stalking. This too was against the unspoken rules, apparently.

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02 Oct 2011, 9:51 pm

I have never stalked anyone. And I have never been accused of stalking anyone.

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02 Oct 2011, 10:02 pm

I never stalked anyone, but whenever I partake in my special intrest, which requires me to travel I fear that would see a someone from my old High School or work and get accused of stalking though...


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02 Oct 2011, 10:14 pm

aspie48 wrote:
i have been falsely accused of stalking many times because of my bad eye contact and ugly face, but i have never actually done it. i was wondering if aspergers people actually do stalk people or are we just always accused of it. i know this is a stupid question to ask but how many of you have stalked someone? i will compare this data to crime rates to see if our rate is any different.

I don't stalk people but I have been stalked myself.
Why would someone accuse you of stalking because of an ugly face? Do you think it isimpossible for good looking people to be accused of it?


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02 Oct 2011, 10:28 pm

I stalked a girl. I think it's a rite of passage.


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03 Oct 2011, 3:51 pm

fraac wrote:
I stalked a girl. I think it's a rite of passage.

it really ain't 8O


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03 Oct 2011, 3:52 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
aspie48 wrote:
i have been falsely accused of stalking many times because of my bad eye contact and ugly face, but i have never actually done it. i was wondering if aspergers people actually do stalk people or are we just always accused of it. i know this is a stupid question to ask but how many of you have stalked someone? i will compare this data to crime rates to see if our rate is any different.

I don't stalk people but I have been stalked myself.
Why would someone accuse you of stalking because of an ugly face? Do you think it isimpossible for good looking people to be accused of it?

i think its more likely to get accused if you are ugly because girls are more likely to like you if you are good looking. and stalkers are always portrayed as ugly people in the media.


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03 Oct 2011, 3:55 pm

I've never deliberately set out to stalk someone. Generally I am the complete opposite and I go out of my way to AVOID people! I have been known to look at people's facebook pages a bit more than I probably should though but apparently a lot of NTs do that as well and it's only because this one girl kept posting about 100 plus posts a day and I couldn't read them all on my wall!

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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03 Oct 2011, 4:02 pm

aspie48 wrote:
fraac wrote:
I stalked a girl. I think it's a rite of passage.

it really ain't 8O

Until you've tried it you wouldn't know.


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03 Oct 2011, 4:04 pm

Jellybean wrote:
I've never deliberately set out to stalk someone. Generally I am the complete opposite and I go out of my way to AVOID people! I have been known to look at people's facebook pages a bit more than I probably should though but apparently a lot of NTs do that as well and it's only because this one girl kept posting about 100 plus posts a day and I couldn't read them all on my wall!

lol i am paranoid and i also go out of my way to avoid people. that feeling sucks. when you know that someone is going to accuse you and you never did it.


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03 Oct 2011, 4:22 pm

I stalked girls that I had crushes on all through school until I started college. I didn't understand why anyone thought it was wrong... I didn't see what was so awful about me that it was offensive to girls for me to be near them when I wanted to.

I had a policeman ask me to leave a college campus (thankfully not my own) when I showed up at a girl's dorm.

I've since learned better.


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03 Oct 2011, 4:27 pm

Actually I have stalked before. :oops: :oops:

But I'm not proud of it. I was only 14 at the time, and I frown upon it now. It's just that I got too wrapped up in an intense obsession/crush I had on an older bloke (who was married and didn't like me anyway), and I found out everything about him, talked about him non-stop to people, got all my cousins and schoolfriends involved, lingered about outside his house with my younger cousin, took pictures of his house and car, and even found out his number and started ringing him. Not sure if this is stalking or just a silly fad. It didn't go on for very long, and I wouldn't do it again. I have matured since then, and would never make myself obvious again.

But I was only 14 then. 14-year-olds can still be naive and immature, and especially having AS. It's OK - I'm over him now. I'm obsessed with new people, and I'm able to take it more sensibly now.



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03 Oct 2011, 6:18 pm

You learned how it felt to be the person who did that, and now you don't need to do that any more, right? (Weird way of saying it, sorry.)

It's good to try new stuff. I like to be everyone for a little while each.


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03 Oct 2011, 6:32 pm

fraac wrote:
You learned how it felt to be the person who did that, and now you don't need to do that any more, right? (Weird way of saying it, sorry.)

It's good to try new stuff. I like to be everyone for a little while each.

you're actually pretty funny even if you don't mean to be :lol: