Well, smooching one's husband in front of the entire physics class is a bit of a PDA.
League_Girl wrote:
I didn't get it.
Basically, one of her husband's students came up to her and tried to imply that she was with an inferior man because her husband is different. She came up with a very neat comeback--telling him that her husband is getting sex and the rude student isn't.
The interesting thing about the social dynamics here is that the source of the "You're not getting any sex tonight" comeback is what makes it so effective. Since it was the wife who made the comment, she was essentially saying, "I find my husband more attractive than you," implying that the rude student is an inferior individual and not as sexually attractive as the awkward but presumably nice husband.
Because it's a woman making the comment, the insult stings more: She can imply that she's speaking for all women, and that the rude student is categorically less attractive. A man using that comeback would simply be bragging about his own virility. The rest of the class likely applauded because they also thought the rude student was out of line, and probably because they knew their professor was socially awkward but kind and did not deserve to be insulted in front of his students--so her comeback gave them a sense of justice.