I'm starting to think I'm a lucky one...

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23 Sep 2006, 10:14 am

...because after spending two or so days around these boards, nearly everyone has got at least some kind of nervous disposition towards NT's, if only minor or even non-existent for many, and it's most often due to abuse as a kid and while growing up. Looking at these and comparing them to mine makes me feel very lucky. Why? Well, first of all, I was able to ignore the little abuse I got quite easily. Second, I had a lot of friends who accepted who I was, and even taught me things like sarcasm and metaphors and all that, which have been quite helpful. It's quite sad to see how people can just be mean to those they think are different, and yet at the same time how those abused can do just the same thing (not that that kind of thing happens often around here, but I've seen several 'that's the way NT's are' pop up).

I knew when I was younger that I had difficulties, but I never really linked it to me being remarkably different, and now that could be translated to me thinking that I was NT. Even now, when I pop over to the Gamespot boards for a chat, I feel very much like I'm NT, and when I switch back here I can still enjoy having AS and sharing my memories and moments where it was painfully obvious.

I'm suprised, and yet not suprised, that many people have been abused. Not suprised because that's America and Britain for you, and very suprising because down here in New Zealand there are many kind people willing to accept those who are different. Example? Well, in my English class, there's a student who is a dwarf, and to make matters worse, she recently spent time in a wheelchair. In America this would most often lead to abusive behaviour, and yet she has a group of friends who help her out and treat her perfectly normally, as does the rest of the school. I have a similar situation with my circle of friends, and reading stories of abuse here, as I've said, makes me feel sad and lucky at the same time. Of course, just with any country, you do get those who couldn't care less, but everyone's generally very accepting around here.

Maybe it could be a law that whoever's different and having trouble should move down here and make friends and accept each other and all that, but I know that that's about as easy as finding a PERFECTLY normal person. Coming here has been a nice place to come and talk about things, and I think is starting to affect me spiritually! Anyway, I hope to find lots of stories and tales of the adventures and trials people have gone through during my stay here, as it is all an exciting adventure (if a painful and hard one much of the time).

The general point is, I think I'm very lucky, not all NT's are bad, and I'd like some feedback. All with good intentions, of course. And all good intentions of a 16 year old.

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
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23 Sep 2006, 10:39 am

I feel like that, too. I am a borderline Aspie, maybe with some form of social anxiety. Some of the discussions here apply to me, while others don't at all.

I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are mostly NTs and really nice people. I don't think the UK is as liberal as NZ but on the other hand the British have always had a fascination with 'characters' and 'eccentrics' and I suspect people think of me in those terms. They're labels I can live with :)

Do you think that your good luck is purely down to your location, or is the seriousness of your condition a factor? Would you be treated exactly the same if your Asperger's was more pronounced and your behaviour more noticeable as a consequence?

It's nice to see a positive topic here, I must say!

Love your user name too.. excellent!

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23 Sep 2006, 11:22 am

I think it's due to both, actually. I stated elsewhere that my Mum said that, on a scale of 1 to 10, I average in at around 3. 2 in normal situations, but when it starts to show itself, I rank in at about 4. It's interesting, because I know two other people in my area, even suburb who also have AS. One I don't keep in touch with, but the other goes to my school. He's got a more severe case of Asperger's than I have. My Mum told me that one time while walking down the road, I accidentally nudged him due to my odd walking style back then, and he then lashed out and started punching me several times. But anyways, he goes to my school, and even he has got a few friends in and around our school, and I used to hate his guts (he'd followed me during and after school, and it ticked me off to no end to the point where I'd start hitting him to keep him away. Never turned into a WWF kind of thing, though).

But it all started to change after I met someone online at GameFAQs by the name of light_daxter. I know he's genuine, because I hadn't even met him and he stated he had Asperger's too. When I started to talk to him about it, I found out that he was Dutch (like me) and his first name was Tim (LIKE ME!! ! Would you beleive it?). And he told all this to me first, so there's your proof. Sadly, due to a mix-up with a censor by-pass, I got banned from GameFAQs, but we still keep in touch via Hotmail. I'm actually going on holiday to Holland at the end of the year, and we're both trying to arrange a way that we can meet and chat. Recently he told me that he got an 'official' result back, and that he's got a light serving of our AS cake. I'm thinking of suggesting he come over to Wrong Planet, actually. Anyway, moving on.

The next thing that triggered a mental 'cleansing' was when I read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. I didn't know what it was about before I read it, but those of you who have will realise how significant this can be. The final thing has turned out to be right here. After reading the stories and the hardship and the wonderful things that have happenned, I have a greater acceptance for the AS student at my school, and I consider myself on friendly terms with him again, even though he may not have noticed a thing!

So all that points to the conclusion of our country. However, New Zealand, just like everything else, isn't perfect. We've got our fair share of idiots and mass-murders and all that. For a prime example, try and catch the movie Out of the Blue, which is heavily based on a country shooting that happened in the South Island in the early 90's (nearly everything that happened was true). I'm a friendly guy by nature, and my mum's always said that one of my greatest strength's (and I suppose this applies to the other student at my school too) is that I'm likable, and always have good intentions, as nearly all with AS do. I'd be very willing in fact to come along and meet someone on here and have a chat, discuss things and just be social, just like these forums do. And the best part is that because we share the same difficulties, when it all comes down to it we are all accepting of our problems.

Finally, glad you like the username. It was the one I used on GameFAQs, and it's actually the old name for my story, and THAT was an acronym of the five main characters: Koise, Booger, Aiko, Bob and Zoe. The name's changed to Outcast (ironically). Everyone on GameFAQs kept spelling it wrong, like KRABZ or KBABS or worse, krabs, and I'd have humerous online rants about it (all in good fun, though). Interesting note on my story is that I've recently come up with a character who I've given AS (more severe than mine, actually), and even on another planet she can't fit in too well (but then their lifestyle is similar to Earth's, so don't worry). Coming here has helped in gathering ideas and inspirations that I could use, but I'm not some media guy who wants to rip you all off and give you no credit. Oh, and the new character's name is Kipo.

Phew! Another marathon post!

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there


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23 Sep 2006, 1:23 pm

Jen Birch's autobiography doesn't make New Zealand look that utopian for autistic people. I think there are people with your experiences all over the world, and people with other ones like the ones you talk about here, all over the world. New Zealand's record on what happens to people who kill autistic people, for instance, is definitely no better than anywhere else.

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23 Sep 2006, 1:31 pm

I think you're right, there's a lot of hate brewed up in a lot of people here. It may not be right exactly, but it's understandable. There's a saying in Argentina: "el que se quema con leche, ve la vaca y llora" (he who gets burned with milk sees the cow and cries).

Anyway I don't think most NTs are half as bad as many may think. There are probably tons of mean aspies within the AS community, just as many as within the NT community. It's just that, statistically, you're more likely to encounter mean NTs.


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23 Sep 2006, 4:52 pm

I'm going to assume Jean Birch was a dude with Autism from the 1920's ore something like that, because I know that the Pakeha (ie white European settlers) weren't too friendly with the native Maori, and both weren't too friendly with the Chinese in New Zealand during the gold rush.

I know that New Zealand can be harsh quite a lot, and we have TV programs showcasing that. I just have the feeling it's not as bad as snap-at-anything-abnormal America.

I was sad when I found that she left
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That I could speak to her,
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23 Sep 2006, 7:02 pm

I feel that way as well, once my family moved when I was 13, the bullying stopped and the NT's at my new middle school and the high school I attended treated me well, and I had a small group of friends in the band and debate team. The only time my Aspergers becomes apparent is when I have job interviews and don't get hired.

I consider myself lucky that asside from elementary school, I haven't had much bullying or other abuse. I get along really well with NT's in general, even with the police, some of my friends are former officers.

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23 Sep 2006, 7:04 pm

She's a 40-something adult diagnosed with Asperger's, who grew up in NZ. She described being ganged up on by both other inmates and staff on a psych ward, and also IIRC being taken advantage of, bullied, etc in a wide number of other situations. She runs http://www.aspergers.co.nz/

"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams


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23 Sep 2006, 7:35 pm

*sigh*, here comes that depressed/lucky feeling agian...

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there