kraftiekortie wrote:
You were one big 12 year old! Seems like you probably don't weight 325 now. I should probably be really proud of you.
I thought I was fat when I was 12--when I was 4 foot 6, and weighed 92 pounds. I did weight 111 lbs. when I was 9, and was 4 foot 1.
Haha! You were just a little piglet, but I was an overgrown walrus. I had a hard time fitting in the movie theater seats, for crying out loud. Are you kiddin'? NASA demoted me to a "dwarf planet" just to be nice. Pluto was gettin' pretty jealous.
Really, though, when I came down to a normal weight, it was a time when I was becoming a Christian, and literally praying about what, and how I should be eating. It was a very positive and important time in my life, and much good was gained from the whole experience! Though it did take a lot of hard work and suffering within. Everything is much more stable now.
I weigh about 180lbs. now, and look like a normal human. 165 - 170lbs. would be my ideal weight, accounting for the muscle in my head!
The cutest most lovable little rob0t on Earth! (^.^)