I get lonely, but I don't usually seem to get much out of being with people, and I can often hardly wait for the meeting to be over. I get very preoccupied with my own thoughts, and unless I manage to drop all that stuff and really focus on the other people and on my relationship with them, I just kind of sideline them.....I might say the right things but I think my body language gives it away that they don't really impinge on me.
It's quite a conundrum - if I need people so much, why aren't I interested in them? I suppose it's because I crave the same thing as everybody else - to share - but I don't have the usual capacity to make that sharing real.
There are exceptions, but there's nearly always been a sexual interest behind that. I'm never conscious of it at the time, but I think basically sexual desire can make me put an enormous amount of energy into the social thing, and as long as I can see some hope of advancing the sexual relationship, I won't notice how hard I'm working, but once things have settled down and the sexual side of the encounter is either established or struck off the list of possibilities, I seem to run out of energy and I lose interest in the social side of the relationship. Either that, or my partners have all turned out to be nasty people and they've lost my support because they failed to support me. I'm still hoping it's the latter, and that I'll one day meet somebody with whom I can sustain a properly mutual bond that I won't get bored with.
In my youth I would get quite spaced out by simple friendship, but I lost a lot of patience with it because it was never anything like so exciting as a new girlfriend.
One thing's for sure - people only unite when they have a common purpose. Just like any other human being, if I get nothing out of an association with somebody, I'll get bored and move on. Friendship feels like a very sentimental thing, but basically the participants have to be getting something they want from the deal.